今次事在必行, 因為Donald快要6歲了, 他的陋習必須更正, 再者, 要讓他知道"賺錢"是多麼辛苦的, 不應胡亂花金錢, 更要他自己去做到"一分耕耘, 一分收穫."
全日都乖 = +$2
一樣不聽話 = -$1
嚴重犯錯 = -$2
重複嚴重犯錯 = -$2-$10
Welcome to our home!
Today, Arsh's family come to our home for a farewell dinner. Buddha look like our mind ~ rainy! I'm so thanks Mom help me make some delicious vegetable meal. We're enjoy the meal very much. Arsh like the Chinese chile sauce because he like spicy. I was prepare "Mango Cream with Pomelo" dessert (楊枝甘露). I'm feeling very happy because they like this dessert.
Tejas like very busy in our home. I think he felt everything is very funny. He walk from living room to bed room, backwards and forwards. So, Arsh got busy too.
Baby always kicked Rox, Rox feeling very painful. I'm so worry with her. Hope baby don't come early. He must birth in Canada.
The price of Hong Kong porperty make them surprise, very expensive! They are not understand why the porperty go to the higher price. Of course, we're know that is not reasonable & crazy. But we're no choice because we live in Hong Kong.
I'm great to invited them come to our home. All will keep in my memory forever. I'm always miss you Tejas, Rox & Arsh ^2^
Tejas like very busy in our home. I think he felt everything is very funny. He walk from living room to bed room, backwards and forwards. So, Arsh got busy too.
Baby always kicked Rox, Rox feeling very painful. I'm so worry with her. Hope baby don't come early. He must birth in Canada.
The price of Hong Kong porperty make them surprise, very expensive! They are not understand why the porperty go to the higher price. Of course, we're know that is not reasonable & crazy. But we're no choice because we live in Hong Kong.
I'm great to invited them come to our home. All will keep in my memory forever. I'm always miss you Tejas, Rox & Arsh ^2^
K3 Parent's Day
今天比上班還要早的家長會, 約了羅老師0745, 但當然我們都得找緊時間, 所以0730已經到達學校附近. 總括而言, 羅老師對Donald的評語都是不錯的, 無論德育體群都很好, 吸收能力也是班中要好的其中一個, 而且明顯的成長了, 對老師亦不再那麼害羞, 放膽說話了, 仍然很懂得照顧和幫助小朋友, 只是"群"方面就要稍為注意一下, 羅老師都很坦白的跟我們說, Donald對熟悉的小朋友就比較包容, 但不太熟悉的小朋友有甚麼不對徑, 他就會第一時間通知老師, 羅老師生怕Donald這樣的話, 升到上小學就會很影響他的人際關係, 不過就這點我也跟羅老師解釋, 其實也是我的責任, 因為可能Donald由小到大總是遇到被同學仔不同類型的欺負, 所以我一直教他, 無論遇到甚麼事情都要跟老師報告, 今次我承認我忽略了, 我沒想到那麼長遠, 慶幸老師察覺得到, 我還有時間的去糾正.
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